Friday, September 26, 2008

welcome week

Small update. I'm back at Walnut. It's hot and boring here. I miss SB already, cause there was always something to do there (even the internet is faster than home internet). Spike still remembers me though!

I've been getting food (and other free stuff) off school dances, club socials, frat kickbacks, and what not. I've been to two frat parties (I'm missing out on two this weekend). They're great fun, friendly people, pretty girls (who are even more friendly/loud), and there's always food (I swear if there's free food, I'm there).

I love my floor. We're like, the party floor with all the asians in the school. There's always chats in the lounge, in the halls, or in our room. People play with my freeline skates in the hall. Half the doors are usually open (only on the guy's side though, the girls are always on our side so their doors are usually closed). I'm still trying to figure out who has ricecookers and who has pot and pans and who has rice and other foods and who has waterheaters (apprently, we're not supposed to have ricecookers or waterheaters, so its all shush shush).

I learned that I snore lightly on the nights I drink. haha.

1 comment:

Jono said...

lol...nice update ken, sounds like a much better 'college environment' than there

i need to start looking for people with rice cooker/water boiler too xD

P.S. wonder if the loudness of your snoring is proportional to the amount that you drink...