Friday, September 26, 2008

so, this is what college is like.
not really liking it. about 20-30 minutes into my math lecture, some girl behind me accidentally spills her coffee. all over me. i mean its not her fault, but wow. what a way to start ucsd.
plus, i almost overslept. i set my alarm for 6:30 and somehow woke up at 7:30 instead. eek.
&& wow , talk about zoning out in class. i totally zoned out. ._. most boring lecture in my life.
i miss summer already.


Jono said...

meh...doesn't sound good so far Connie...hope it turns out for the better soon!


debbliu said...

It's okay Connie. I know the feeling. I keep waking up either 10 minutes BEFORE my class or RIGHT WHEN my class starts or snooze until 30 mins before class actually starts. It kinda sucks because both Linnsie and I are like "crap. we need to get to class" on the days we have 8:00 morning classes. And the problem is we both sleep late because we both have so much to do.

But we'll get used to it or we change it.

charexy said...

on thursday... i had one class and it was at 3. I slept early the day before (around 11) and woke up late (around 10)...AND I STILL FELL ASLEEP IN CLASS!!! --

I hope you have a better time soon ><