So I was at the studio on Wednesday because I don't have classes on that day. Yes, hoo
ray. But I had a final project due today so all of us were working in the studio. And I was cutting cardboard...but the edge was ridgy so I was mad. And I was cutting fast. Then I cut my index finger. ): It hurts. I lost a lot of blood. And shutuppp. I know I'm emo now. Haha. It's Architecture. What do you expect? Plus, I have three cuts on the outer side of my right hand. One cut (but not as deep as the index finger one) on the middle finger. And I burned myself three times from the hot glue gun. Architecture is a dangerous major. Seriously.
Well, at least I will be going to Westwood tomorrow for my drawing class' field trip.
oh golly deb that is incredibly close up. stomach churns*. hope you feel better nonetheless <3
commitment sigh, it makes all this worthwhile.
be more careful next time debbbbb T_T
oh wow... deb
i agree with cinno...
that picture is waaayyyy too detailed ><
i also agree with jono...
be careful dearie <3
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