Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week schedule.

Hoorayyy! Finally. My model drawings are due Thursday, but they moved the model due on Sunday at 6 PM. What the freak? Where the 6 PM come from? Please don't ask. It's too random. But thank goodness! I got that off my back. Now, I'm definitely going to pay attention to my drawings tomorrow and Wednesday even though I have a rough draft due Wednesday afternoon for my writing conference.

Five things I need to conquer:
1. Time management.
2. Craft skills on model making.
3. Do not fall asleep in lecture.
4. Just get the nerve and say hi to people instead of hesistating.
5. Do not be afraid of talking to Michael Leung, the drawing TA aka 5th year Architecture student. (:

1 comment:

ken said...

time management!

perfect that and everything becomes a breeze.