A map.. for reference.
When they say its crazy, they mean it. Expect the worst. So here's a list of do's and don'ts for people who might be interested in coming up here next year (and know what to expect).
-dress up. the cuter the costume, the more attention you get.
-go with a UCSBer that goes in Isla Vista parties often
-know your alcohol tolerance
-know how to fight off drunk people
-know how to weave through crowds
-know people who are throwing good parties
-find several bigger/intimidating guys to travel with
-guard your cell phone like your life depended on it
-have phone numbers of people you're traveling with
-travel in pairs
-go to a closed party or..
-go to a frat party of a frat you know and trust
-make this your first IV party
-drive. your car will get fucked up. guaranteed. you will either hit some drunk guy, or they'll hit you
-travel in large groups. "safety in large groups" does work, but the larger the group, the easier it is to lose people.
-DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT travel alone.
-dress scanty. seriously. unless you like being touched and hit on constantly
-bring anything of value, very easy to lose stuff here
-wear anything of value, you will get alcohol spilled on you, and odds are crowd weaving might beat up/tear your costume
-sit. especially if you're not a SBer, you will get arrested
-obnoxiously yell your college name in pride if you're not form UCSB. one of 2 things might happen:
-you get the crap beat out of your by your rival school/UCSBers who really don't want visitors
-you get arrested by the police for public drunkenness, cause they're aiming for outsiders
-drink. especially not if you plan on crashing random parties with people you don't know
-make out with strangers.
-wear heels. our roads are crap. there are times you need to run. you must stay standing for most of the night. they do break. you do get stepped on.
Judging from the above, you can pretty much guess how my Halloween was like. Let start by saying, it had a huge potential to be fun. I could see how it can be very fun. But I didn't go with the right people so... Here's what happened.
I decided to go with TASA people this time, since they always complain how I ditch them when they have a party for frat parties. These people usually have their own closed party in a friend's house. Most of these people don't look like they drink often (if at all). When they do drink, they get wasted, cause they usually have a house.
So we started at the house for the pre-party. Had some alcohol. Some people decided to go all out and get really really drunk. Not smart. We then were planning to crash a DP party. Having a group of ~50 people, with half of them not being able to walk straight, walking through concert size crowds, with even less people knowing where they were going, either because they were outsiders, or don't go to IV often.
So the person who owns the house, he was pissed. Too many people he didn't know were joining into the group, and the people he knew were getting seperated, lost, or whatever. So I ended up being the "desinated driver" of sorts (that had 3 shots.. but that's nothing anyways). It wouldn't be that bad of situation but..
These people have no common sense. I swear they're reckless. We have people running into crowds by themselves to take pictures with that guy with the cute costume, or going out by themselves to look for a friend, even though they themselves don't know where they are, and have no idea where the group is going, or where they are supposed to be going.
So I pretty much spent the whole night keeping track of people, organizing people into buddy hiarchies, assigning people to watch over people, telling people not to panic when the person they were supposed to be watching over gets seperated into another group and is being watched over by someone else. Then there were times when I had to purposely try to break people out of the group, cause they just joined in randomly and we had no idea who they are, push off some creepers, clear crowds, clear paths through crowds, break up fights, drag drunk people away from police, or run back and forth fetchign stragglers.
So when they couldn't crash a party at DP. Here's what DP looks like...

We went back to the house and had our own closed party, which also was a pain in the ass cause people didn't know their way back, and one of the girls went looking for her friend, and Daniel and I went with her cause girls really should not walk around alone in that crowd. Then the night got better. They really couldn't wander off anywhere except around the house. We pretty much stayed at the door to make sure no random people wandered in.
Oh, and it started raining, I guess that made police happy, cause they really could not do anything with crowds that size, and the rain pretty much broke up the crowds... at about 3am..
We made it back to the dorms at 5am. Learned that there's no one guarding the doors after 4am, so if you want to bring guests, that the time to do it.
Few random points..
-Tons of half naked guys, if anyone's interested. Girls too. Give them a bit more to drink and they take off more.
-People do dance on rooftops.
-They dance on fences too
-Non-SBers stand out like crazy. Seriously. We can tell.
-SBs purposely try to get non-SBers arrested.
-People break car windows and slash tires
-People jump onto moving cars
...wow...sounds really intense ken
must've been a bitch organizing people, good thing it turned out okay in the end though :)
LOL @ random points...esp the naked people and people jumping onto moving cars
Wow that's really crazy. :O Outside that is. The closed party sounds pretty cool. (:
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