So pictures pictures pictures keep us updated! Right?!?
Password: traveling
Don't ask.
Just use to update us with pictures! Each person create their own folder. Your album should be titled with your name/nickname.
So go go go.
Then I can put the stuff on slideshow on this blogger. Cool huh?
- Debb
PS: Midterms these next few weeks. I'm freaking booked with papers & projects. ):
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
10 updates from Berkeley
So I realized that I'm farthest one from all you people, especially you San Diego-ers! =(
I like lists.
Here's a list: 10 Facts about Berkeley
1. Squirrels here are FEARLESS.
2. I've never met so many people so EXCITED about studying. They even made up chants for their favorite study places in the library. (Mo Moffit, Mo Profit) (When you go Stacks, You never go back)
3. I walked across the Asian Ghetto the other day and saw all of Walnut (people) there.
4. Homeless people are EVERYWHERE.
5. Speaking of homeless people, I was sitting on the grass one day reading. A homeless man comes walking by and his dog drags him over right next to me. We start chatting for awhile, and he explains how he's going to bike to Washington DC to raise money for child slaves in South America or something like that. I ended up giving him 5 bucks and half a granola bar.
6. I'm vehemently battling freshmen 15 by walking up 8 flights of stairs.
7. Being the oldest UC campus... this place is OLD. I swam in a pool and gym that seirously seemed to be built in the 1800s.
8. I'm taking a class called "The Simpsons and Philosophy."
10. http://www.hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth.com/
I like lists.
Here's a list: 10 Facts about Berkeley
1. Squirrels here are FEARLESS.
2. I've never met so many people so EXCITED about studying. They even made up chants for their favorite study places in the library. (Mo Moffit, Mo Profit) (When you go Stacks, You never go back)
3. I walked across the Asian Ghetto the other day and saw all of Walnut (people) there.
4. Homeless people are EVERYWHERE.
5. Speaking of homeless people, I was sitting on the grass one day reading. A homeless man comes walking by and his dog drags him over right next to me. We start chatting for awhile, and he explains how he's going to bike to Washington DC to raise money for child slaves in South America or something like that. I ended up giving him 5 bucks and half a granola bar.
6. I'm vehemently battling freshmen 15 by walking up 8 flights of stairs.
7. Being the oldest UC campus... this place is OLD. I swam in a pool and gym that seirously seemed to be built in the 1800s.
8. I'm taking a class called "The Simpsons and Philosophy."
10. http://www.hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth.com/
college+bored=artistic inspiration!
so, we marshall kids got some really really ugly planners to use for school. i mean i guess i should just be happy that we got one. but it was just so hideous so i had to change its appearance. lets just say, doing this on a sunday night (when you classes 8am the next day) and haven't even STARTED on the hwk isn't exactly the best idea in the world. but whatever. i got it done and somehow lived through this morning. :P
&& AFTER! :D
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bored and worried (I think)
So apparently, there is nothing to do at UCR, and all of my classes are morning sessions so i have the afternoon to myself. So i have been doing some thinking.....and im debating on an issue. I've talked to michael and somewhat to cat but havent come to any conclusions yet.
For those of you who are saying "WTF????" Don't worry, this is just to post something about my thoughts to somewhat ease the restlessness and stress from this issue.
Final note: For those who have read this or helped me, Thank you.
For those of you who are saying "WTF????" Don't worry, this is just to post something about my thoughts to somewhat ease the restlessness and stress from this issue.
Final note: For those who have read this or helped me, Thank you.
welcome week
Small update. I'm back at Walnut. It's hot and boring here. I miss SB already, cause there was always something to do there (even the internet is faster than home internet). Spike still remembers me though!
I've been getting food (and other free stuff) off school dances, club socials, frat kickbacks, and what not. I've been to two frat parties (I'm missing out on two this weekend). They're great fun, friendly people, pretty girls (who are even more friendly/loud), and there's always food (I swear if there's free food, I'm there).
I love my floor. We're like, the party floor with all the asians in the school. There's always chats in the lounge, in the halls, or in our room. People play with my freeline skates in the hall. Half the doors are usually open (only on the guy's side though, the girls are always on our side so their doors are usually closed). I'm still trying to figure out who has ricecookers and who has pot and pans and who has rice and other foods and who has waterheaters (apprently, we're not supposed to have ricecookers or waterheaters, so its all shush shush).
I learned that I snore lightly on the nights I drink. haha.
I've been getting food (and other free stuff) off school dances, club socials, frat kickbacks, and what not. I've been to two frat parties (I'm missing out on two this weekend). They're great fun, friendly people, pretty girls (who are even more friendly/loud), and there's always food (I swear if there's free food, I'm there).
I love my floor. We're like, the party floor with all the asians in the school. There's always chats in the lounge, in the halls, or in our room. People play with my freeline skates in the hall. Half the doors are usually open (only on the guy's side though, the girls are always on our side so their doors are usually closed). I'm still trying to figure out who has ricecookers and who has pot and pans and who has rice and other foods and who has waterheaters (apprently, we're not supposed to have ricecookers or waterheaters, so its all shush shush).
I learned that I snore lightly on the nights I drink. haha.
so, this is what college is like.
not really liking it. about 20-30 minutes into my math lecture, some girl behind me accidentally spills her coffee. all over me. i mean its not her fault, but wow. what a way to start ucsd.
plus, i almost overslept. i set my alarm for 6:30 and somehow woke up at 7:30 instead. eek.
&& wow , talk about zoning out in class. i totally zoned out. ._. most boring lecture in my life.
i miss summer already.
not really liking it. about 20-30 minutes into my math lecture, some girl behind me accidentally spills her coffee. all over me. i mean its not her fault, but wow. what a way to start ucsd.
plus, i almost overslept. i set my alarm for 6:30 and somehow woke up at 7:30 instead. eek.
&& wow , talk about zoning out in class. i totally zoned out. ._. most boring lecture in my life.
i miss summer already.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
First cut of the year.
So I was at the studio on Wednesday because I don't have classes on that day. Yes, hoo
ray. But I had a final project due today so all of us were working in the studio. And I was cutting cardboard...but the edge was ridgy so I was mad. And I was cutting fast. Then I cut my index finger. ): It hurts. I lost a lot of blood. And shutuppp. I know I'm emo now. Haha. It's Architecture. What do you expect? Plus, I have three cuts on the outer side of my right hand. One cut (but not as deep as the index finger one) on the middle finger. And I burned myself three times from the hot glue gun. Architecture is a dangerous major. Seriously.
Well, at least I will be going to Westwood tomorrow for my drawing class' field trip.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
isla vista!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Davis so far =]
so yesterday... i went to my friend's apartment...
HOWEVER instead of staying for a while... i ended up staying for the whole night since my friend's bf decided to tell us last minute that he needed to pick up his friend at Sacramento and take her home --...
In the end... we reached my friend's apartment at 10?... and we stayed over the whole night =]
SLEEPOVER!!! <3... i even got to watch "Dirty Dancing"... it's my favorite movie <33
So i'm happy ><
each day... i've been doing a little bit of decorating... and running around the campus.
The campus here is very nice =] It's extremely huge with lots of trees... free bus rides on campus driven by teenagers... and scary bikes --
I'm always afraid that i'm going to get run over TT
I mean... the people on bikes don't even freaking watch where they're going --...
Ex. I saw this girl on a bike coming towards me and she even says "excuse me"... so i moved out of the way, near the side of the road... the next thing you know... she almost freaking hits me -- like... wth...
Anyways... time to eat dinner =]
Talk to you guys later after yummy yummy food <3
Lurv... Char
HOWEVER instead of staying for a while... i ended up staying for the whole night since my friend's bf decided to tell us last minute that he needed to pick up his friend at Sacramento and take her home --...
In the end... we reached my friend's apartment at 10?... and we stayed over the whole night =]
SLEEPOVER!!! <3... i even got to watch "Dirty Dancing"... it's my favorite movie <33
So i'm happy ><
each day... i've been doing a little bit of decorating... and running around the campus.
The campus here is very nice =] It's extremely huge with lots of trees... free bus rides on campus driven by teenagers... and scary bikes --
I'm always afraid that i'm going to get run over TT
I mean... the people on bikes don't even freaking watch where they're going --...
Ex. I saw this girl on a bike coming towards me and she even says "excuse me"... so i moved out of the way, near the side of the road... the next thing you know... she almost freaking hits me -- like... wth...
Anyways... time to eat dinner =]
Talk to you guys later after yummy yummy food <3
Lurv... Char
so like, WTF. sd is boring.
people apparently don't know how to dance here. it looks like a bad middle school dance. things to do at night is practically NONEXISTENT. of course, unless you go off campus and meet people. seriously though, this place is so flippin deathly quiet at night. oh, and that pre-rush party we went to was lame. LAMEEE. ugh, you can ask clarice. she would know.
people apparently don't know how to dance here. it looks like a bad middle school dance. things to do at night is practically NONEXISTENT. of course, unless you go off campus and meet people. seriously though, this place is so flippin deathly quiet at night. oh, and that pre-rush party we went to was lame. LAMEEE. ugh, you can ask clarice. she would know.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm sleepy.
So Linnsie slept at 3 and i slept at 4:30 this morning. And guess what? Our alarn clocks rang at 6:40 to 6:50 and we snoozed until 7:30. OHMYGOSH. I was freaking out because I was like "I don't want to be late". Seriously. This is the second time during this week that we snoozed for a long time. And we skipped breakfast. At least I bought some food after class as my brunch. If Melanie were in my place, she'll be hungry like heckkkkk.
You are very welcome to those who said this is a good idea. Pictures are certainly HELPFUL! (: Nice idea Jono & Ken. We should do that. Even though we have oovoo, we don't oovoo in the morning/afternoon. Haha. DIGICAM & WEBCAM!
Eh. I should've taken a picture of my room last night. It was a mess...full of my Architecture stuff. And now, I cleaned it so it's back to normal. I feel stressed out already!
So Linnsie slept at 3 and i slept at 4:30 this morning. And guess what? Our alarn clocks rang at 6:40 to 6:50 and we snoozed until 7:30. OHMYGOSH. I was freaking out because I was like "I don't want to be late". Seriously. This is the second time during this week that we snoozed for a long time. And we skipped breakfast. At least I bought some food after class as my brunch. If Melanie were in my place, she'll be hungry like heckkkkk.
You are very welcome to those who said this is a good idea. Pictures are certainly HELPFUL! (: Nice idea Jono & Ken. We should do that. Even though we have oovoo, we don't oovoo in the morning/afternoon. Haha. DIGICAM & WEBCAM!
Eh. I should've taken a picture of my room last night. It was a mess...full of my Architecture stuff. And now, I cleaned it so it's back to normal. I feel stressed out already!

OK. There is a reason why this school is called socially dead. Its deathly quiet.. and its not because I'm in the library, it's pretty devoid of life outside too.
Just dropped off Connie (saw Paulina) to orientation... and since all her stuffs in my car, I can't leave. Mom didn't let me bring my skates, so, not much to do other than leech off wifi in the library. It has a pretty view though.

Someone save me D:
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
bummy bounced here
aww i love the idea of having this hoodblog - yay debbo! =)
we truly are a special group and this past summer's been so memorable & fun. <3
(seriously, all those fun times better repeat when we all reunite during our breaks.)
it'll be interesting to see what's been happening in each other's lives now that physical hangouts will not be as frequent. anyway, some 411! i'm bummy! =D not your typical bunny and i certainly don't look like one, either (you be the judge). i've already sneezed 15 times today (& counting). my nose is going to blow up anytime now. i'm just sitting here patiently waiting for that to happen...
good luck to those moving in tomadoes!
& for those attending the picnic, vote in the events page for what you'd like for dinner! =D
we truly are a special group and this past summer's been so memorable & fun. <3
(seriously, all those fun times better repeat when we all reunite during our breaks.)
it'll be interesting to see what's been happening in each other's lives now that physical hangouts will not be as frequent. anyway, some 411! i'm bummy! =D not your typical bunny and i certainly don't look like one, either (you be the judge). i've already sneezed 15 times today (& counting). my nose is going to blow up anytime now. i'm just sitting here patiently waiting for that to happen...
good luck to those moving in tomadoes!
& for those attending the picnic, vote in the events page for what you'd like for dinner! =D
MEOW \[=^.^=]/
so... this is interesting...
well... i'm not going to tell you who i am and what i like and stuff ><
if you want to know... you can just check out my profile... =]
Anyways... my day has been boring so far...
work... and when i get home... packing, cleaning... and more packing TT
if i don't finish everything, then i can't go out tomorrow
someone save me!!!
well... i'm not going to tell you who i am and what i like and stuff ><
if you want to know... you can just check out my profile... =]
Anyways... my day has been boring so far...
work... and when i get home... packing, cleaning... and more packing TT
if i don't finish everything, then i can't go out tomorrow
someone save me!!!

Sighs...I should really stop this procrastination habit...and actually START doing something over the weekend...we'll see how things go this weekend...Zzzzz
-Jono (x___x)
early morning post =)
this is a very interesting option in keeping in touch.
update ourselves through blogging. let's try and sustain this in the long run yeah?
i like the idea tho. kudos to deb!
oh and i cant imagine guys wearing the same pants.
its 1am and im kind of random.
night kiddos =)
deb, peter and i have decided that you should get pepperspray. (who was it who told me that pepperspray isnt actually pepper, ken?) the recent crime committed at usc worries me. hope you're doing aiite.
update ourselves through blogging. let's try and sustain this in the long run yeah?
i like the idea tho. kudos to deb!
oh and i cant imagine guys wearing the same pants.
its 1am and im kind of random.
night kiddos =)
deb, peter and i have decided that you should get pepperspray. (who was it who told me that pepperspray isnt actually pepper, ken?) the recent crime committed at usc worries me. hope you're doing aiite.
Debb here.
I'm Debb! The loudddd girl. You know I'm cool like that. I'm am the ARCHITECTURE major. So lets blog everyone!
I'm Debb! The loudddd girl. You know I'm cool like that. I'm am the ARCHITECTURE major. So lets blog everyone!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Second Ken to post lol =D
HI EVERYONE!!!! just to remind you guys, to vote for thursday's dinner!!!!
I'm lucky number 3! (hopefully...)
Greetings! I'm Melanie, occasionally called "milano" or "poopie" by her patootie or simply "mel", and is a foodist. Wait...there's a word for it...a gastronomist? Something with gastro-- in the beginning. Anyway, I want to go to korean bbq and eat plates and plates of bugolgi and calbi and chicken. I also think "Viva la Vida" is my new theme song...and will additionally be my alarm to wake up to everyday. I hope my roommates don't get annoyed by that... :D
Grrr you Ken...
Dude...it's not like we don't know each other Ken...but...what the hell:
I like FREE food. I AM too skinny. I spend my free time RAWRING and...I am in COWLAND PRISON.
p.s. oh, I do have a blog myself, http://jonobloggie.blogspot.com/, which I need to update more often @_@ (but I like comments :D)
Hi everyone! I'm Ken. I like food. I am not too skinny. I spend my free time sleeping. I attend a party school. I'll add more.. later.
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