Anyways, here's a list (so far) of what we've done when we're not out partying:
1. We shoot pool.
2. We chill in the hallway and lounge.
3. We longboard/freeline in the hallway
4. We do cartwheels in the hallway
5. We side our cellphones across the floor of the hallway to see whose phone goes farther.
6. We play tag on break room couches only, jumping from chair to chair, without touching ground.
7. We jump on/over/off break room couches, trying to do flips and cartwheels.
8. We prop up, tilt, flip over those same couches and jump into them knocking them over.
9. We take stupid pictures with our stonehedge made of couches.
10. We dance on the pool tables.
11. We have food fights in the lounge.
oh. and a picture of #9:

HAHAHA OMG. i like.
I might try that one day with the couches in the den XD!
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