Saturday, April 18, 2009


One month.
And no updates.


Back to final study model.
And this week = death. ):

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i know :(
hi everyoneeeeeeeee!
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! i didn't wear green.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

D: this is sad guys.
no one blogs here anymore D: D: D: D:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Almost spring break!

I'm so happy.

Dammnnn. I haven't posted in a long time. Hahahah. So how is everyone doing? I cannot believe I'm going to be on spring break after this week is overrrrrr. But...I have so much due on Thursday. Luckily, I finished my paper that is due that day too!

- major Architecture project.
- physics midterm.
- GE paper.

And since everyone else has spring break AFTER mine, COME VISIT ME AT USC! (:

Friday, December 12, 2008

no one has updated in like...a month.
i'm done with finals! :0

&& its raining ;O

Saturday, November 15, 2008

One hell of a week... x.x

SO... as my title stated... this week has been one hell of a week...
some parts fun but most parts not...

on monday... i had fun at my friend's surprise birthday party and an unplanned trip to in n' out at around 11 at night...
HOWEVER.. as we were walking out... we saw a firetruck, an ambulance, and a police car in front of a dorm near us... my friends and i all assumed that someone just caught drinking or doing drugs. unfortunately... the next day, someone told me that a guy tried to choke himself to death by wrapping his computer internet cord around his neck. His roommate walked into his room and saw the guy trying to suicide and ran out to ask for help. When he came back, the guy was sitting in front of his computer as though nothing happened. A while later... he tried to kill himself again. AS IF this story wasn't freaky enough... on thursday... i find out that the guy was actually someone i had met a few weeks before... APPARENTLY... he tried to kill himself because he thought that no one liked him... which is stupid since if i hated him... i wouldn't even bother saying "hi" to him and talking to him when i see him --

ON wednesday... my roomie had friends over and basically kicked me out of the room since she turned off the lights and stuff... which annoyed me a little since the room technically belongs to both of us and not just her... That night, i then had a talk with her... which resulted in me ending up almost in tears. THANKS to michael and steven for making laugh and smile again <3><

TODAY... there was a frat "glow" party where everyone gets glowsticks and dance with them... i really wanted to go but i couldn't because of my stupid workload... so i decided to just hang out with my friends for a while. Halfway, i went back to my room to get my camera to show my friend something... and i see two girls standing across from my next door neighbor's room. One of them had a tag that said "student housing" and i guess the other was the RA on call. As i walked past them, a cop walked out of the room... which scared the crap out of me... So basically... my next door neighbor got caught with alcohol or whatever has made him high lately... Which makes me sad since when i met him... he was a FREAKING cool guy...

so... those were the most interesting stories about all the crap that happened to me this week...
i excluded most of the boring stuff such as how it's now 3:03 and my roomie is still not back O.o...
and now i have WAAAAYYYYY too much hw to do and i shouldn't even be on this thing ><
ANYWAYS... i totally miss you guys <33

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week schedule.

Hoorayyy! Finally. My model drawings are due Thursday, but they moved the model due on Sunday at 6 PM. What the freak? Where the 6 PM come from? Please don't ask. It's too random. But thank goodness! I got that off my back. Now, I'm definitely going to pay attention to my drawings tomorrow and Wednesday even though I have a rough draft due Wednesday afternoon for my writing conference.

Five things I need to conquer:
1. Time management.
2. Craft skills on model making.
3. Do not fall asleep in lecture.
4. Just get the nerve and say hi to people instead of hesistating.
5. Do not be afraid of talking to Michael Leung, the drawing TA aka 5th year Architecture student. (:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

for you other UC kids out there. :P

October 21, 2008 - After months of planning and hard work, UCSA registered over 40,000 UC students to Vote!!! We are not only leading the state in nonpartisan youth vote work, but the nation as well. Thanks to all the amazing volunteers who helped us make history. Here are the final registration numbers:

  • UC Berkeley: 9,425
  • UC Merced: 500
  • UC Santa Barbara: 10,241
  • UC Los Angeles: 8,519
  • UC Irvine: 2,643
  • UC Riverside: 1,125
  • UC San Diego: 3,936
  • UC Santa Cruz: 3,698
We win a free concert from Death Cab for Cutie from MTV. :D (Though at the moment, we can't fund the school part of it, so it might go to Berkeley).

Funny things about this listing.. first off, why is SB listed 3rd? and after Mercerd of all UCs. Next, WTF happened to Davis? Oo.

spambloggy forum

well, spambloggy usually refers to here.. but, now we have a spambloggy forum!

register, spam ryan to get accepted, then spam. sounds good, yes.

!!!DEBBB: link to forums on bloggy. yes yes?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy HallowezzzzzzzZ...

I didn't sleep the day before because of an essay due on Halloween. So I was already in my costume as the panda/zombie. After class I just ate at the DC and crash from 4pm till 12am. What do you know? I slept through